Plastics that are dumped in rivers is a major source of ocean pollution.
Not to mention the havoc it raises on riverways, injuring and killing waterfowl, marine life and costing cities and towns for the cleanup.
This is a collection of garbage I picked up walking along the edge of the marsh last week on the Slocums River. Sandles, about six rubber balls, a football, styrofoam, and oh yes a tire.
As you can see in the photograph above that container is full of oil. Pretty amazing considering this was what I gathered walking about 75 feet along the marsh, can you imagine what is dumped along the entire Slocum River? To me, this is an eyeopener.
Researchers at The Ocean Cleanup—a Dutch foundation developing new technologies for ridding the oceans of plastic—say rivers carry an estimated 1.15-2.41 million tonnes of plastic into the sea every year, an amount that need between 48,000 to over 100,000 dump trucks to carry it away.
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